Please note this presentation does not contain graphic or elicit sexual images.
Pornography is the gateway to human trafficking. All Catholic Institutions and individuals are called to "Do Something!” to end modern slavery (USCCB social teaching).
Dann Aungst, a Catholic certified addiction counselor and recovering sex addict will discuss the danger of pornography, why it is important to end it, and how we can start in our own lives and homes. Aungst has authored the several books, including From one Addict to Another, 40 Days to Freedom, and Winning the Battle for Sexual Purity.
Sponsored by ACT for Freedom Now, a St. Francis of Assisi Social Ministry, dedicated to ending human trafficking and pornography.
For questions and to register, email Monica Lichtenberger
We must begin to say the “P” word, be comfortable to talk about it, so that we can address it. If we talked about pornography as many times a day as pornography emails are sent or received in the US, that would be 5 billion times a day. It is epidemic!
This presentation is for all adults: whether, you want to know what you can do to stop our children from being trafficked through sex crimes; or maybe you want to know what to do when you are tempted to click on a “adult content” internet link; or you suspect a loved one is viewing pornography or maybe you are a consumer of porn.
This presentation is for you. Why? Because this insidious evil is destroying our children, our families, friends, our society and our souls!
Neuro Science News reports:
“Pornography use has been correlated with erosion of the prefrontal cortex - the region of the brain that houses executive functions like morality, will power and impulse control… predisposes an individual to behave compulsively and make poor decisions…
Conventional sex is decreasingly interesting to users and is being replace by themes like incest and violence…viewers increasingly chose more violent forms of pornography … graduate to more extreme and unconventional forms of porn.”
Additionally, pornography creates sexual dysfunctions, negatively impacts marital quality, increases the marital infidelity rate by more than 300% and decreases commitment to their partner. Pornography creates a market where people, including children, can be bought and sold as a commodity, in other words modern slavery.