Dear heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
you are everything. You are all that is good.
We praise you, we honor you and we glorify you.
We thank you for all your blessings and graces
that you bestow upon us and the whole world.
Heavenly Father and Mother Mary,
your love for your children is unimaginable.
We believe that children hold a special place in your hearts
and that you will help everyone of your children.
We believe you will save your children who are trafficked, exploited, and enslaved.
We ask you to bring offenders, who view, support or use pornography and human trafficking, to conversion
and aid and protect all those who work to prevent, intervene and rehabilitate victims and offenders.
Precious blood of Jesus Christ heal those in bondage, (Response) set us free.
Precious blood of Jesus Christ the scourge of all demons, set us free.
Precious blood of Jesus Christ the healing blood, set us free.
Precious blood of Jesus Christ the hope of innocent children, set us free.
Precious blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, set us free.
Precious blood of Jesus Christ, deliver all those that are in the hands of the infernal spirits, (Response) we beseech you.
Come Holy Spirit, show us the way to do your will.
May all know the depth of your love and saving grace.
All this we ask in the name of Jesus.
Dear Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
tonight, when we cuddle up, warm and safe in our beds,
we realize that somewhere, there is a little boy and girl,
who are not warm and safe, who are being trafficked.
We ask that you comfort them and all survivors.
Give them courage and hope.
We pray for all survivors to have courage and hope;
for traffickers' conversion and to aide and keep safe
all those who work to prevent, intervene and rehabilitate survivors and traffickers.
All this we ask in the name of Jesus.