St. Agnes of Rome

  • FEAST DAY: January 21

    Patron Saint of Young Girls, Chastity, and Rape Survivors

    “I am already promised to the Lord of the Universe. He is more splendid than the sun and the stars, and He has said He will never leave me!”
  • Born in 291, Agnes was born into the Roman nobility and raised in an early Christian family. She was martyred at the age of twelve or thirteen on January 21, 304, during the reign of Diocletian.

    A beautiful young girl from a wealthy family, Agnes had many suitors and some – feeling slighted by her refusals and commitment to purity -- reported her to the pagan authorities for being a follower of Christ.

    Agnes was brought before the governor who promised her gifts if she would deny God. Agnes refused and was dragged naked through the streets to a brothel. Her hair instantly grew long and covered her body. Men who attempted to rape her were struck blind.

    Sentenced to death, Agnes was tied to a stake to be burned but at first the wood would not burn and then the flames parted around her. Finally, she was beheaded. Her blood poured to the stadium floor where other Christians soaked it up with their cloths.

    Agnes’ story can be a borrowed comfort to victims of sex trafficking. ACT recognizes that these men, women, and children have had innocence stolen from them and prays they soak up the comfort, solace, and healing in St. Agnes’ steadfastness and purity.